GlenEagles Community Association (GECA) Newsletter – July 2024

Our AGM on May 31, 2024 focused on transitioning GlenEagles to more sustainable landscaping; the proposed East River Dam that would flood approximately 50% of Glenbow Ranch and destroy the Haskayne Park; and the proposed concrete batch plant. Since that time, there have been a number of developments in each of these areas, as well as residents raising concerns about windows being broken by “anonymous” golfers or being hit by a golf ball while walking along the path. Click on the following links to read more.

  1. Transitioning GlenEagles To More Sustainable Landscaping Options
  2. East River Dam
  3. Concrete Batch Plant
  4. Golf Balls

Transitioning GlenEagles To More Sustainable Landscaping Options

Landscaping initiatives in GlenEagles are a shared accountability between the Town of Cochrane and the GlenEagles Community Association (GECA).

GECA Landscaping Initiatives:

The View Park is almost complete. New shrub and tree beds were built on either side of the park and beds at the top of the Park, nearest the road have been expanded. We have also planted a number of drought resistant shrubs and perennials. Next year we plan to add one or two trees.

Wearmouth Park shrub and tree beds have been weeded, edged, and mulched. The Town plans to upgrade the playground next year and is working with one of our residents to finalize the design. Once the playground has been installed, we will determine, what, if any, additional landscaping is required.

Work on the Islands in GlenEagles East and West has started. This includes weeding, expanding existing shrub and tree beds, and, in some cases, making new beds. Plans are in place for two islands in Gleneagles East (areas #9 and #14 on the GlenEagles’ Landscaping Map and for the Close Island (area #6). We anticipate that we will be able to do the same for one or two additional islands this year. It is our intention to plant drought resistant, shrubs, trees and perennials next year.

This work has progressed without anyone participating in GECA’s “Adopt an Island” program. As a result, we are grateful that one of our Board members, Robin Wentzel is spearheading this initiative. Other than the three islands that are in progress, islands can still be adopted. Alternatively, let us know what you would like to see happen on an island near you by emailing us at [email protected]. It is our intention to plant drought resistant, shrubs, trees, and perennials next year.

Town of Cochrane Landscaping Initiatives:

The Town has started work on The Landing Island to clear out the dead and overgrown shrubs and to replace the wildly overgrown native rose bushes with other drought resistant and easier to maintain shrubs such as lilacs. Replacement shrubs, trees and perennials will be planted next year as part of a joint initiative between GECA and the Town.

The Town created a wildlife corridor in The View Park for deer and foxes, as well as a safe place for children to walk through rather than jump the fence. They also paved the west side of the pathway around the ravine between GlenEagles East and West. What a difference! Let’s hope that the Town has money to repave the East side next year.

After some earlier problems this spring with respect to grass cutting and whipper snipping, GECA has recently received a number of positive comments. We are now working with the Town on a targeted weeding program.

The Proposed East River Dam

The Town commissioned a report to better understand the impacts that the East River Dam will have on Cochrane if the province proceeds with building the dam in this location. The potential impacts were more catastrophic than even the Glenbow Ranch Foundation had predicted. In addition to flooding approximately half of the Glenbow Ranch and destroying Haskayne Park, the dam has the potential to back up water to Cochrane and flood parts of Griffin Road, as well as the Spray Lakes Community Centre parking lots and several low-lying areas along the Bow River. Subsequently our Council wrote a letter to the Province voicing their concerns. Residents are also encouraged to share their thoughts/concerns with our Town Council and our MLA, Peter Guthrie.

For more information go to the Glenbow Ranch Facebook Page at:

The Proposed Concrete Batch Plant

On April 17, 2024, the Cochrane Planning Commission approved a permit to allow Heidelberg Materials to build a concrete batch plant on the site of the gravel pit that they operate. The Concerned Citizens Group launched an appeal on May 16, 2024 that had 99 signatures, most of which were from GlenEagles. On May 27, 2024 Heidelberg asked the Town to cancel the permit, effectively ending the appeal. However, this issue is NOT over. Heidelberg stated that the reason for the cancellation was to give them time to engage with residents and allay their concerns. Heidelberg also stated that they intend to reapply for a permit at a later date and the Concerned Citizens Group plans to be ready when this happens.

To assist with the preparation, a volunteer project team meets regularly to:

  • monitor any changes to the Heidelberg Materials development application (should they choose to reapply) and to the proposed changes to the Area Structure Plans (see section titled “A new Development”).
  • engage local experts to prepare reports in readiness for another appeal and/or presentations to Council
  • review FOIP documents as they are received
  • track responses from the Provincial and Federal Governments with respect to the drainage of tailing ponds into the Bow River

In addition, the Project Team has requested that the Town undertake a study, similar to what it did for the proposed East River Dam Project, to better understand the risks involved if Cochrane proceeds with building a concrete batch plant

If you would like to join this team and/or can provide input to one of the potential risks and/or concerns identified in their June newsletter, please contact them at: [email protected]

Concerned Citizen’s July Email
In July, the Concerned Citizen’s Group sent out an email and a newsletter to the approximately 150 people who have signed up to receive regular updates. For more information refer to the linked PDF.

Concrete Batch Plant Concerned Citizen’s Group’s June Newsletter – PDF File

A New Development – A Request to Move the Gravel Pit to a Different Area Structure Plan (SNS2024-006)

In early June, the Town received a request to move the Robinson Lands, including the gravel pit from the South Ridge Area Structure Plan (SR_ASP) to the River Heights Area Structure Plan (RH-ASP).

As background, all of the communities in Cochrane are part of different Area Structure Plans. In an email from the Town they advised that “Area Structure Plans are meant to provide a future planning framework for areas that will generally encompass a number of neighbourhoods and include policies for how the land may be used, servicing, etc.”. Since 1994, the Robinson Lands have been part of the South Ridge Area Structure Plan. On June 7, 2024 the Town advised that they had received an application to move the Robinson Lands to the River Heights Area Plan.

The Concerned Citizen’s Project Team has reviewed both Area Structure Plans and is skeptical of the timing and the motivation of the proposed change. A key question is what are the implications of this move for Heidelberg Materials and their proposal to build a concrete batch plant in Cochrane. The Concrete Batch Plant Project Team discusses these concerns in more detail in their July Newsletter.

Concrete Batch Plant Concerned Citizen’s Group’s July Newsletter – PDF file

Golf Balls

Recently residents have raised concerns about the frequency of anonymous golfers breaking windows and leaving the homeowners to pay for the repairs, particularly for residents who back onto the 14th hole. There have also been concerns raised about pedestrians and bikers potentially getting hit by golf balls while on the trail in the same area. GECA has exchanged emails with the golf club’s General Manager but would like to hear from you prior to determining next steps. How prevalent is this problem? Is the 14th hole the only concern? Please email us at [email protected] if you have had similar problems and/or comments or perhaps even a solution.

Neighbourhood Garage Sale; June 8, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Neighbourhood Garage Sale; June 8, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Gleneagles Neighbourhood Garage Sale; June 8, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Multiple homes throughout the entire Gleneagles Community will be participating. Email all questions to Jacquelyn [email protected]

Drought Resistant Landscaping Options

Don’t know much about drought resistant landscaping alternatives? The GlenEagles Community Association, with input from two local horticulturalists and the Town of Cochrane, has several suggestions. Just click on the following files to learn more about drought resistant:

Why You Should Consider Overseeding Your Grass with Clover

If you want to reduce your mowing to every few weeks and are fretting about watering it regularly to keep it green, a mix of grass and clover may be exactly what you need! Clover is a legume that belongs to the same family as peas and beans and mixes well with grass turfs. As a result, overseeding lawns with clover is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners for their lush, green appearance and low-maintenance requirements. Homeowners are also realizing its potential as a hassle-free, eco-friendly solution for landscaping.

Not only do clover lawns attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, but they’re also drought-tolerant and have nitrogen-fixing abilities! This means you won’t need to use as much or possibly even any fertilizer to keep your clover lawn lush and green.

Download article in PDF format.

Concrete Batch Plant

The Concrete Batch Plant Concerned Citizens Group received strong support from the residents who attended the Gleneagles Community Association 2023 AGM. At the meeting, over 50 more Gleneagles residents signed the Notice of Appeal, which was filed the next morning. The Provincial Government Land and Property Rights Tribunal responded immediately and notified the Town to turn over a long list of documents. Going forward, the Concerned Citizens are looking for volunteers to assist in preparation for the Hearing of the Appeal. Environmental, health and safety experts, as well as residents willing to help with media relations, petitions, letter writing campaigns, gravel pit monitoring and reporting, are required. They also need donations to pay for outside experts to present their findings to the Appeal Board hearing, as well as for legal expenses. Donations of any amount are welcome and can be made to the GoFundMe Account at or by emailing [email protected] if you would rather pay by cheque or by cash. For more information refer to the linked PDF file.

Adopt an Island

Adopt an Island Do you live near one of the islands in GlenEagles East? Are you tired of looking out your windows onto dried brown grass and dandelions? If so, […]

What is Xeriscaping?

Xeriscaping is the practice of designing our boulevards, parks, and islands in such a way as to use as little water as possible. By using native plants, naturalized plants, trees, ground covers, and other features we can create environmentally friendly, attractive, efficient, and cost-effective outdoor space.

What’s Involved in Transitioning to Xeriscaping Landscaping?

Xeriscaping involves the use of multiple strategies to create environmentally friendly and climate appropriate landscapes that are aesthetically pleasing. These can include:

Use native & naturalized plants:

  • Perennials
  • Shrubs
  • Plants providing nectar, seeds and berries for pollinators, insects, birds, animals and people
  • Adapted to local climate

Plant trees to:

  • Provide shade that helps retain ground moisture
  • Act as a wind buffer
  • Create natural air conditions in the summer
  • Control soil erosion
  • Increase property values

Use groundcovers to:

  • Reduce/eliminate mowing requirements by replacing grass with mulch, decorative stones, and low-growing plants like fescues or micro- clover
  • Retain moisture, reduce maintenance, eliminate irrigation, and save money

Foster sustainable water use by:

  • Reducing run-off, maximizing absorption
  • Encouraging water conservation, re use
  • Minimizing water loss and waste

Reduce maintenance by:

  • Minimizing lawn mowing, trimming, pruning, and cultivating etc.
  • Mulching leaves in the fall
  • Reducing or eliminating pesticides/ herbicides
  • Using natural fertilizers
  • Reducing noise, lowering costs, and enabling re-allocation of funds


GlenEagles Community Association 2024 AGM – President’s Message

The AGM will be held at the Links of GlenEagles on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, starting at 7:00 P.M. with doors opening at 6:30 for registration and to visit the information booths set up by our guest presenters. We hope that you will attend as we think that this will be both an informative and exciting meeting!


While AGMs typically are a review of the past year, this year’s AGM will focus mostly on the path forward. We will introduce GECA’s Landscaping Strategy and 5-Year Plan that outlines the transition to more sustainable xeriscaping alternatives. Learn about how GECA plans to green with clover, eliminate irrigation, provide opportunities for community engagement, and manage our costs; and how you and your neighbours can Adopt an Island.

We will also have presentations from a concerned citizens group about the Concrete Batch Plant and from Jeromy Farkas, CEO of Glenbow Ranch who will share the potentially “catastrophic” consequences if the Province builds a reservoir at the Glenbow East Dam location.

All of our presenters will be available before and after the formal AGM to hear your concerns and to answer your questions. A social will follow where, in addition to our presenters, you can meet with your Board members and neighbours.

2023 Landscaping Initiatives

As a reminder, GECA maintains the boulevards at the entrances to Highway 1A, GlenEagles East and West, and The Landing. The ToC maintains the islands and parks in GlenEagles East and West and the condominiums each have their own landscaping committee. In 2023 GECA planted additional shrubs and trees on the GlenEagles East boulevard and approved a number of small landscaping projects. We also sent out a landscaping Request for Proposal (RFP) which we are required to do at least once every three years. We are pleased to announce that we have contracted both TJK and LUX Landscaping for the 2024 season.

2023 was a turning point with the Town of Cochrane. Trish Kluane, Manager, Parks and Open Spaces, committed to standardizing mowing and trimming operations, and training staff to meet these standards. Under her guidance the ToC also cleaned up the shrub and tree beds in Murphy Brothers Park, repaired the path where tree roots created safety issues, provided GECA with 20 cubic yards of premium mulch, and watered our newly planted trees to ensure establishment success. Their plans in 2024 are equally ambitious.

GECA worked with a local web designer to build a site to promote GlenEagles and to provide timely relevant information. For example, you will be able to access a web form to apply for the Adopt an Island Program, get AGM updates, and read our newsletters. Want to know the dates of our community workshops? Or see pictures of micro-clover lawns? It’s all there. Check it out at


GECA is in a strong financial position and expects to be able to fund the transition to xeriscaping landscaping alternatives from our savings and existing fees.

Remember the May 15th AGM. We look forward to seeing you there!

Best Regards,
Margaret Blair, President

Concrete Batch Plant

At their meeting on April 17th, 2024 the Cochrane Planning Commission approved the building permit application for a 2,500 square foot concrete batch plant to be built on the site of the existing gravel pit. The Town of Cochrane (ToC) posted a sign on the roundabout closest to the gravel pit that generated several emails to the Town’s Administration. As a result, the plant owners, Heidelberg Materials, made several changes to their initial plan.

However, there was no forum for in person discussions and it appears that many of our residents were unaware of the proposal until after the Planning Commission approved the permit. There are also many unanswered questions. One of our residents, Paul Trotter, is organizing a group to launch an appeals process. Please click on this link to see Paul’s latest email updates.

Paul and/or a member of the Appeals Team will be speaking at the Gleneagles Community Association’s AGM on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024. We also hope to have a representative from the Town of Cochrane to provide their perspective. An information booth will open prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm and will re-open at 8:30 pm after the AGM to listen to your concerns and to answer your questions.

GECA – Paul Trotter Message – April-24 2024.pdf