Tag Archive for: concrete

Concrete Batch Plant

The Concrete Batch Plant Concerned Citizens Group received strong support from the residents who attended the Gleneagles Community Association 2023 AGM. At the meeting, over 50 more Gleneagles residents signed the Notice of Appeal, which was filed the next morning. The Provincial Government Land and Property Rights Tribunal responded immediately and notified the Town to turn over a long list of documents. Going forward, the Concerned Citizens are looking for volunteers to assist in preparation for the Hearing of the Appeal. Environmental, health and safety experts, as well as residents willing to help with media relations, petitions, letter writing campaigns, gravel pit monitoring and reporting, are required. They also need donations to pay for outside experts to present their findings to the Appeal Board hearing, as well as for legal expenses. Donations of any amount are welcome and can be made to the GoFundMe Account at https://gofund.me/0e97b271 or by emailing [email protected] if you would rather pay by cheque or by cash. For more information refer to the linked PDF file.

Concrete Batch Plant

At their meeting on April 17th, 2024 the Cochrane Planning Commission approved the building permit application for a 2,500 square foot concrete batch plant to be built on the site of the existing gravel pit. The Town of Cochrane (ToC) posted a sign on the roundabout closest to the gravel pit that generated several emails to the Town’s Administration. As a result, the plant owners, Heidelberg Materials, made several changes to their initial plan.

However, there was no forum for in person discussions and it appears that many of our residents were unaware of the proposal until after the Planning Commission approved the permit. There are also many unanswered questions. One of our residents, Paul Trotter, is organizing a group to launch an appeals process. Please click on this link to see Paul’s latest email updates.

Paul and/or a member of the Appeals Team will be speaking at the Gleneagles Community Association’s AGM on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024. We also hope to have a representative from the Town of Cochrane to provide their perspective. An information booth will open prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm and will re-open at 8:30 pm after the AGM to listen to your concerns and to answer your questions.

GECA – Paul Trotter Message – April-24 2024.pdf