Why does GlenEagles need to move to more drought resistant landscaping alternatives?
Just read some of the recent news headlines. As drought conditions persist, water scarcity and how we prioritize usage is forcing all of us to make difficult decisions. For the […]
The Kraft Hockeyville
RALLY TO GET VOTES!! Cochrane has been officially selected as one of the top 4 finalists for The Kraft Hockeyville grand prize of $250,000 plus the opportunity to host an […]
Sports and Recreation Opportunities in Cochrane
Are you interested in sports and recreation opportunities in Cochrane? The ToC has established The Cochrane Sport & Recreation Interagency Group to facilitate collaboration and coordination among various sport and […]
Envision Cochrane 2050
Your voice matters! Envision Cochrane 2050 provide opportunities for everyone in Cochrane to have a say in how our community lives, works, plays and thrives. This process will lead to […]
Upgrade the Wearmouth Park Playground
Do your children or grandchildren use the playground in Wearmouth Park? The ToC plans to upgrade the Wearmouth Park playground in 2025. We are looking for volunteers to work with […]
The Gleneagles Cochrane Block Watch Community (Facebook) Page
Once you decide to move to GlenEagles, take a few minutes to answer the membership questions and join he GlenEagles Block Watch Community Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GlenEagles.BlockWatch.Page This is a […]