GlenEagles Community Association 2024 AGM – President’s Message

The AGM will be held at the Links of GlenEagles on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, starting at 7:00 P.M. with doors opening at 6:30 for registration and to visit the information booths set up by our guest presenters. We hope that you will attend as we think that this will be both an informative and exciting meeting!


While AGMs typically are a review of the past year, this year’s AGM will focus mostly on the path forward. We will introduce GECA’s Landscaping Strategy and 5-Year Plan that outlines the transition to more sustainable xeriscaping alternatives. Learn about how GECA plans to green with clover, eliminate irrigation, provide opportunities for community engagement, and manage our costs; and how you and your neighbours can Adopt an Island.

We will also have presentations from a concerned citizens group about the Concrete Batch Plant and from Jeromy Farkas, CEO of Glenbow Ranch who will share the potentially “catastrophic” consequences if the Province builds a reservoir at the Glenbow East Dam location.

All of our presenters will be available before and after the formal AGM to hear your concerns and to answer your questions. A social will follow where, in addition to our presenters, you can meet with your Board members and neighbours.

2023 Landscaping Initiatives

As a reminder, GECA maintains the boulevards at the entrances to Highway 1A, GlenEagles East and West, and The Landing. The ToC maintains the islands and parks in GlenEagles East and West and the condominiums each have their own landscaping committee. In 2023 GECA planted additional shrubs and trees on the GlenEagles East boulevard and approved a number of small landscaping projects. We also sent out a landscaping Request for Proposal (RFP) which we are required to do at least once every three years. We are pleased to announce that we have contracted both TJK and LUX Landscaping for the 2024 season.

2023 was a turning point with the Town of Cochrane. Trish Kluane, Manager, Parks and Open Spaces, committed to standardizing mowing and trimming operations, and training staff to meet these standards. Under her guidance the ToC also cleaned up the shrub and tree beds in Murphy Brothers Park, repaired the path where tree roots created safety issues, provided GECA with 20 cubic yards of premium mulch, and watered our newly planted trees to ensure establishment success. Their plans in 2024 are equally ambitious.

GECA worked with a local web designer to build a site to promote GlenEagles and to provide timely relevant information. For example, you will be able to access a web form to apply for the Adopt an Island Program, get AGM updates, and read our newsletters. Want to know the dates of our community workshops? Or see pictures of micro-clover lawns? It’s all there. Check it out at


GECA is in a strong financial position and expects to be able to fund the transition to xeriscaping landscaping alternatives from our savings and existing fees.

Remember the May 15th AGM. We look forward to seeing you there!

Best Regards,
Margaret Blair, President

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Gleneagles Community Association

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Gleneagles Community Association (PDF Format)

GlenEagles Community Association 2022 AGM – President’s Message

As mentioned in our April newsletter, the AGM will be held at the Links of GlenEagles on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, starting at 7:00 P.M. We hope that you will attend as your feedback is important!

The AGM provides residents with an opportunity to review last year’s activities, ask questions and discuss issues. Based on feedback from the October 2022 AGM, I have tried to ensure that there are more opportunities for residents to provide input. The meeting is also an opportunity to meet with Board members, all of whom have indicated that they are seeking re-election, and with our neighbours and guest presenters at the social to follow.

Traditional Landscaping

As a reminder, since the ToC eliminated the landscaping subsidy through 2016 and 2017, GECA maintains the boulevards at the entrances at Highway 1A, GlenEagles East and West, and The Landing. The ToC maintains the islands and parks in GlenEagles East and West. While there have been numerous concerns raised about the quality of work that the Town provides, the GECA Landscaping Committee continues to meet with the ToC to address these concerns. In addition, we have augmented the Town’s services with a number of special projects. In 2022, these projects included edging and mulching the shrub and tree beds on the islands in GlenEagles East and weeding the shrub and tree beds throughout GlenEagles East and West. This year, we will be re-edging the islands and the shrub and tree beds in GlenEagles West and Wearmouth Park and will continue to have our landscaper, TJK, do the weeding.

We are also encouraged by commitments made by ToC’s recently hired Parks Manager, Trish Klune. Trish has introduced a training program for her staff to improve service quality. In addition, the ToC will check and prune/remove all Town trees in GlenEagles as necessary and assess, prune, and remove overgrown shrubs in Murphy Brothers Park. It is anticipated that they will similarly assess other parks and islands in GlenEagles over the next few years.

Sustainable Landscaping Initiatives

In our newsletter, we discussed holding community planting days at the View Park on June 3rd and GlenEagles Landing Green space on June 10th. Given our extremely dry spring and some ongoing discussions with the Town, these plans are somewhat in flux. Stay tuned. More information will follow shortly.


GECA is in a strong financial position and will continue to fund special landscaping and other projects.

The Jones Estate

Throughout 2022, the Concerned Citizens and many of our GlenEagles residents participated in meetings to ensure that the Town Council recognized our concerns and once again voted to turn down a development application. There has been no activity this year.

Remember the May 31st date. We look forward to seeing you there!

Best Regards,
Margaret Blair, President

GlenEagles Community Association 2021 AGM – Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the 2021 Annual General Meeting

of Gleneagles Community Association


Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of GECA, held at the Links of Gleneagles, Cochrane, Alberta on October 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm (the “Meeting”).

Directors Present:                 Absent:                        Guests:                       

Margaret Blair                          Codyne Carson               Shelley Wood

Joan Fortin                                                                  Mitchell Hamm

Rodger Grant                                                               Shawn Tooth

Norm Peterson                                                             Phil Lalonde

Judith Robson

Stephen Simms

Robin Wentzel


  1. Call to Order

With the consent of the meeting, Ms. Blair assumed the Chair and Ms. Robson acted as Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.


  1. Review and Adopt Agenda

By a show of hands of those present the Agenda as provided was approved.  UPON MOTION duly moved, seconded, and unanimously carried it was RESOLVED THAT the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of October 18, 2022 be and is hereby approved.


  1. Approve Prior Minutes

By a show of hands of those present the prior Minutes were approved.  UPON MOTION duly moved, seconded, and unanimously carried it was RESOLVED THAT the minutes from the Annual General Meeting of May 22, 2019 be and are hereby confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


  1. Resignation and Election of Board Members

Since distribution of the meeting notification and Proxy, Darren Golec, Vice-President, resigned and Robin Wentzel was appointed to the Board.  The current Board has eight members and there were no nominations for further members.


By a show of hands of those present the Board was re-elected. UPON MOTION duly moved, seconded, and unanimously carried it was RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors be and are hereby approved.




  1. Town of Cochrane – Cochrane-wide data and plans related to Water Conservation

Mr. Shawn Tooth, Manager of Water and Wastewater provided information on the current comprehensive water license acquisition strategy.

  • The Town is currently utilizing ~75% of the water license, with ~5 years of that left assuming similar growth to recent years.
  • This figure is using a per capita raw water consumption of 290 litres per day, which is already a very healthy number and Cochrane is looking to get that consistently into the 250’s in the next five years.
  • Tooth drew attention to an 18% loss of real water and noted an acceptable treated water loss for a municipality is generally 10% or less.
  • He also advised that water rebates are available to all Cochrane residents – details are provided at
  • There was discussion on the current leak detection exercise, and it was confirmed that any work required from the water main to the curb stop valves is the Town’s responsibility.


  1. Town of Cochrane – Strategy for Parks and Pathways

Mr. Mitch Hamm, Director of Community Services provided an overview of the strategy for parks and pathways.

  • Since joining the Town of Cochrane in February 2022, Mr. Hamm has been working to understand the needs of all communities which has been very challenging given the last 3 year’s staffing levels.
  • A Parks Manager has been recruited in the fall of 2022, together with a new supervisor and 3 additional staff members during the year.
  • The department is now working on an executable plan with an end date of January 01, 2024, which will include equipment improvements and interacting with the community to discuss levels of service within budgetary requirements.
  • The plan will be based on equitable service throughout all the communities of Cochrane and Mr. Hamm suggested that the GlenEagles Community should lower its expectations. Mr. Wentzel asked that the Town not lower its standards before we have an opportunity to meet with them.
  • It was noted that irrigation is not sustainable in the long term and a September 2022 assessment of the current system shows it to be in a state of disrepair.
  • Questions from the floor included:
    • Is there a training program in place for summer students? Yes.
    • Follow-up on request for a new bench – has been included in budget discussions but one will be provided in 2023.
    • Why is there irrigation on the boulevards during wet weather? Wentzel is discussing this with Champagne Irrigation.
    • Is there consideration being given to making a more formal trail between Glenbow Ranch and Gleneagles. Mr. Hamm indicated that the trail system is still in the planning stages and he would be interested in feedback from GlenEagles residents. One concern that was raised at the meeting is that if a more formal trail is built, there would be unwanted traffic with people parking their cars in GlenEagles to access the park.
    • Pathway repairs – are within the Operations Department budget.
    • Road repairs – Volker Stevin will be coming to Gleneagles this year.


  1. Landscaping Report

Ms. Robson provided background on the split of responsibilities between GECA and the Town of Cochrane and the subsequent deterioration of Gleneagles landscaping standards.  She explained the RFP process put in place to remedy some of the issues and provided details of improvements made.  Photographs of ‘before and after’ some of these enhancements were shown to the meeting.

Going forward, the Landscaping Committee will work with the Town of Cochrane to develop a multi-year plan to include more sustainable landscaping at lower cost.

In response to a resident’s question of why a concrete pathway had been repaired using tarmac, Mr. Tooth advised that concrete is currently very difficult to procure and this was likely a temporary fix.

  1. Jones Estate

Ms. Blair thanked The Concerned Citizens of GlenEagles for so successfully representing our community’s interests over the past several years.


Mr. Phil Lalonde, chair of the group, provided a detailed history of this area and noted that there had been three re-zoning applications in each of 2016, 2017 and 2018.  A further application was put forward and in late June 2022, Cochrane Council unanimously refused to pass the Rezoning Bylaw that would have allowed the applicant to build sixteen semi-detached homes on the Jones Estate Lands.


Since that time, discussions have been held with Builders Capital (the owner of the land) and the Town of Cochrane to find a permanent resolution for the Estate.  At this point Builders Capital has a $700,000 lien on the property and needs $1.3 million to take care of that amount plus interest and other out-of-pocket expenses.  Talks are still on-going and further updates will be provided when available.


  1. Review and Approve 2019, 2020 and 2021 Financial Statements

In the absence of the Treasurer, Ms. Blair advised the meeting that GECA is designated as a society and is governed by the Society’s Act of Alberta. As such, there is a requirement to review year-end financial statements and approve these at the AGM.  Since there has not been an official AGM since 2019, the above 3 year’s statements were to be reviewed at this meeting and Ms. Blair provided brief details of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses.


By a show of hands of those present the Financial Statements were approved. UPON MOTION duly moved, seconded and unanimously carried it was RESOLVED THAT the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Financial Statements be and are hereby approved.



  1. Other Business

The following items were discussed

  • Gleneagles Drive road maintenance. As noted above, Volker Stevin will be visiting the area this year.
  • Bear Update. Blair will contact Fish and Wildlife and the Town in the fall of 2023.
  • Yellow metal in road on Gleneagles View. Alex Reed, Cochrane Councillor, explained that these have been installed for traffic calming, following complaints from several residents about speeding vehicles in the area.  In answer to a question regarding similar issues on the hill higher up the View, Mr. Reed advised that traffic enforcement will be provided.
  • Snow removal by property owners into the road – suggestions included talking with the owners and following up with the Town.
  • Plan for road crossings in Gleneagles, particularly at entrances and exits to the pathway system. Reed clarified that these are being planned.
  • There was a question as to whether the GlenEagles Community Association annual fee should be increased since there hasn’t been an increase since at least 2007. Ms. Blair advised that, while the Board discussed the possibility of a fee increase, they decided to postpone further discussions until such time as the Landscaping Committee develops an overall strategy and long-term plan and negotiates new service standards with the Town of Cochrane. As such, the fees will not increase in 2023.
  • Blair introduced Mr. Paul Smolarchuk who had volunteered to represent GlenEagles at a Town of Cochrane engagement workshop on Connectivity of the Pathway System in Cochrane and a Review of the Pathway Systems in GlenEagles.  He is also interested in working with the Golf Course to pilot some community events.  If anyone has any interest in either of these projects, they were asked to speak to Paul after the meeting or email



There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting terminated at 9:01 pm.






_________________________                            _________________________

Chairman                                                           Secretary

GlenEagles Community Association 2021 AGM – President’s Message

It has been over 3 years since our last Annual General Meeting (May 22, 2019). Last year we sent out a Power Point Presentation and Financial Statements in lieu of the 2019 and 2020 Annual General Meetings, followed by a recap of the feedback that the Board received. This year we are holding an in person 2021 AGM at the Links of GlenEagles on October 18, 2022.

The upcoming AGM provides us with an opportunity to review the activities that took place last year and to ask questions and discuss issues. It also is an opportunity to meet with Board members, all of whom have indicated that they are seeking re-election, and most of whom will be in attendance at the social gathering following the AGM.

Since the ToC eliminated the landscaping subsidy through 2016 and 2017, GECA maintains the boulevards at the entrances at Highway 1A, GlenEagles East and West, and The Landing. ToC maintains the islands and parks in GlenEagles East and West, albeit at levels far below those that were in place when Gleneagles serviced these areas. Based on resident feedback, the Landscaping Committee identified a number of projects to augment Town services. These included fixing up the signage and boulevard at the entrance to Highway 1A in 2020 and weeding and mulching shrub and tree beds on the islands in GlenEagles East and West in 2021. Irrigation remains an outstanding issue.


The reduction in landscaping responsibilities initially resulted in budget surpluses and an increase in total net assets (2019, 2020, and 2021 Financial Statements attached). More recently, some of the annual surpluses have been used to fund the special landscaping projects.

Jones Estate

There have been three re-zoning applications to council in each of 2016, 2017, and 2018; all of which were unanimously rejected. A fourth application was filed in June 2020 but was put on hold. As a result, 2021 was largely a year of watching and waiting to see what if anything would happen. The fourth application was resurrected in 2022 for which Council again, unanimously, rejected the rezoning of the land. We are grateful to the Concerned Citizens of Gleneagles for so successfully representing our community’s interests over the past several years.


The Board is committed to keeping residents up to date about issues that may impact our community. In 2021, we set up a GECA Facebook Page which now has 250 followers. We also occasionally post on the GlenEagles Block Watch Facebook page. We started sending emails directly to those residents for whom we have email addresses on file and continue to respond to inquiries sent to or

Best Regards,

Margaret Blair, President


May 2020 Update


During this time of unprecedented concern, as we collectively navigate the impact of COVID-19, Gleneagles Community Association (“GECA”) considers the safety and health of our members and community paramount. We will continue to support the initiatives and directives that have been set by the federal, provincial and municipal governments and to do what we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you to help slow the spread of this virus by washing your hands often, wearing a mask when in public, practicing social distancing and staying home when sick.

AGM Update

Due to COVID-19 we are postponing the GECA Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) originally scheduled for May 27, 2020 until further notice. In the interim, please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Landscaping Update

We have an annual maintenance contract with the Town of Cochrane (the “Town”) for the park spaces in Gleneagles. We supplement that service with our own contracted landscaping company to better showcase our community and to improve the landscaping for the enjoyment of all residents. Specifically, GECA’s contractor is responsible for the Highway 1A entrance and the medians at Gleneagles Gate, Gleneagles Boulevard and Gleneagles Landing. We will be planting annuals in June and will be upgrading with cedar mulch and edging. We will also be significantly upgrading the Gleneagles signage area at the Highway 1A entrance. Please note that our contractor has confirmed that they will be abiding by all Covid-19 regulations.

Cochrane Food Bank Drive

Neighbours helping Neighbours! GECA is partnering with the Cochrane Activettes and Helping Hands with a food drive on Saturday, June 13 from 10am to 1pm to help the Town kick-off Good Neighbour’s Week. We ask that you leave your donation in a bag at the end of your driveway by 10am on June 13. Volunteers from GECA and the community will then collect from a safe distance and will deliver to the local Activettes site where their volunteers will then unload the trucks. While all donations are welcome, we have included a “wish list” provided by the Cochrane Food Bank. If you would like to volunteer for this event please contact our Events coordinator, Margaret Blair, at

Canada Day Events

The Town is planning several virtual Canada Day events from 12pm – 6pm, followed by an online dance party from 6pm – 9pm. There are also rumors that an outdoor drive-in may be operational by then. Fingers Crossed! Look for updates on the Town’s website or check inserts in the local newspapers closer to that time.

GECA Website

For those who are not aware – GECA does have a website –

The current website is dated but we are working on the launch of our new website for late July 2020. The new website will allow us all to better connect with each other and with the greater community. Stay tuned!

Stay safe and take care of each other!

Kathy Estey,
President, Gleneagles Community Association


  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Crackers
  • Granola Bars
  • Pasta sauce
  • Dry Pasta
  • Cereal
  • Canned Corn
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Tuna
  • Canned Meat
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Canned Pasta
  • Canned Salmon
  • Broth
  • 1L Juice
  • Laundry soap
  • Dish soap
  • Hand soap
  • Kleenex
  • Paper Towel
  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Cooking oil
  • Snack items