Spring 2019 Update

2019 Landscaping Kickoff

Spring is here. FINALLY! With that being said our landscaping maintenance contractor is planning on starting during the first week of April cleaning up the gravel from the medians at the entrances to Gleneagles. Based on the costs savings achieved last year and the work performed, we’ve retained the same landscaping contractor – TJK Property Maintenance. We’ve changed to a local irrigation firm – Champagne Irrigation – after some hiccups last year with the previous irrigation contractor.

Gravel Pit

GECA received a heads-up from Town staff this past week that can be summarized as “after a relatively quiet winter, gravel pit operations are expected to ramp-up with increases in activity and noise. Green Drop is planning to begin full operations in May, but they will be working throughout April.” I would also suggest that its safe to assume that when there is a wind from the south we can expect some increased dust as well.

All concerns regarding the Gravel Pit should be directed to the Town – Drew Hyndman Senior Development Services via telephone at 403-851-2563 or email  at Drew.Hyndman@cochrane.ca 

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 22 at the Links of Gleneagles. We’re asking for volunteers to help sign people in and anyone wishing to help out should let myself or Shelly Wood know (info@geca.ca). Please mark the date on your calendar!

Board of Director Vacancies

As of today there are currently 2 vacancies on the Board of Directors. I am reaching out to a couple of individuals that offered to help last year when we had a full board, but anyone that is interested in serving on the Board of Directors – please feel free to send me an email! We especially need to have someone that is willing to take on the role of Secretary for 2019/20 .

As well I need to let everyone know that I will not be able to serve another term as President as we’re leaving Gleneagles this July (but we’re staying in Cochrane!). This is a great community and we will miss it!

If you’re interested in volunteering, please let myself know or email info@geca.ca.

Jones Estate

The developer of the Jones Estate has asked the court to review the handling of application & decision making process to determine if the town erred “legally” in following its processes and policies under the MGA Act. To summarize the current situation – there is no “formal opportunity” for the residents, the boards, or the GECA to participate. The first date for this review by the court  is currently scheduled for early June. We’ll let people once more public information becomes available!