The Kraft Hockeyville

Cochrane has been officially selected as one of the top 4 finalists for The Kraft Hockeyville grand prize of $250,000 plus the opportunity to host an NHL pre-season hockey game!!!

The voting opens 7am, March 29 and closes 3pm, March 30.

Between today and when the voting opens, we need YOUR HELP to let everyone know of these dates! You can vote as many times as you want!!! Spread the word with your families, work colleagues, friends, customers, business partners – anyone over the age of 14 can vote! Use your social accounts, your shop windows – the more support we get, the more chance we have of winning!

Share today, tomorrow and the next day!!
Watch out for us in the community as we head out to rally!
For more details:

#KraftHockeyville #SupportLocalHockey #CochranePride #cochrane_now #cochranealberta #yyc #cochranemoms #cochranemomscomingtogether #cochranedads #cochranefamilies #visitcochrane #cochranecommunitywellness #supportlocalcochrane #townofcochrane #CBC #Sportsnet


Sports and Recreation Opportunities in Cochrane

Are you interested in sports and recreation opportunities in Cochrane? The ToC has established The Cochrane Sport & Recreation Interagency Group to facilitate collaboration and coordination among various sport and recreation groups within our community. Committee members will share information, generate new ideas, participate in training, explore partnership opportunities, and have a direct pipeline to Council through the Parks and Recreation Committee. Meetings will be held quarterly with the first meeting scheduled for April 26th from noon to 2:00 pm, and lunch will be provided. If interested, please send an email to

Envision Cochrane 2050

Your voice matters! Envision Cochrane 2050 provide opportunities for everyone in Cochrane to have a say in how our community lives, works, plays and thrives. This process will lead to a new Municipal Development Plan to guide municipal growth, infrastructure and servicing needs and land use for the next 25 years.

Phase 1 focused on generating a vision for Cochrane’s future, and included questions on Cochrane’s identity, livability, open spaces and natural areas, vibrant economy and connectivity.

Phase 2 of the survey has been launched and is focused on arts, culture, parks & recreation. Please visit to participate in the survey by March 17, 2024.

Upgrade the Wearmouth Park Playground

Do your children or grandchildren use the playground in Wearmouth Park? The ToC plans to upgrade the Wearmouth Park playground in 2025. We are looking for volunteers to work with the ToC to finalize plans and to submit grant applications for costs in excess of $75,000. If interested, please send an email to