February 2020 Update
Dear Neighbour,
I would like to thank everyone for being so patient while Gleneagles Community Association (“GECA”) went through some growing pains over the past year.
I was appointed President of GECA in June 2019, and as of our last Board meeting in February, we now have a full Board of Directors engaged and committed to bettering our community as a whole. The Board of Directors of GECA – your neighbours – are as follows:
Kathy Estey – President
Darren Golec – Vice President
Margaret Blair – Secretary
Codyne Carson – Treasurer
Rodger Grant
Gary Kooistra
Norman Peterson
Stephen Simms
Chris Stang
A common thread that ties the Board and you together is that we have all decided to call Gleneagles home. We are extremely proud of our community and are committed to moving the community in a positive direction while maintaining the happiness of the homeowners and property values of each home.
Gleneagles Community Association is a volunteer run organization in its 26th year. Our goals are to continue to make our community a beautiful and hospitable place to call home. With your membership fee, we maintain the entranceway from Highway 1A onto Gleneagles Drive, the medians located on Gleneagles Gate and Gleneagles Boulevard and the entrance median on Gleneagles Landing. We also are responsible for all irrigation systems within Gleneagles and water usage within those systems. We liaise with the Town of Cochrane regarding any landscaping issues for the park spaces (areas for which they are now responsible to maintain) and we provide a united public voice when issues arise that affect our community – ie. The Jones Estate. We are also anticipating incorporating some long- awaited community events. Stay tuned!
Since June of last year we have had 3 Board meetings and have created a strong committee structure by appointing a Landscaping Committee and an Events Committee. We have done/continue to do the following on behalf of the community:
- met with the Town of Cochrane to discuss landscape & maintenance requirements & standards
- signed the annual maintenance contract with the Town of Cochrane
- hired our own landscaping company (it was a rocky start last year due to many factors – this year should be better!) to supplement the Town of Cochrane contract (as our standards are above & beyond what the Town of Cochrane is willing to do)
- cut back/removed trees and bushes on the Gleneagles entrance from Highway 1A to create safer sight lines after hearing concern from homeowners
- liaised with the Town of Cochrane regarding the Colt Bus bus stop locations
- actively planning a community event
- actively working on a new website for better communication with homeowners
- continue to monitor (and get involved when required) the Jones Estate issue
Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2020 at the Gleneagles Club House. If you plan to attend you will find out what is happening in the community, vote to elect a Board of Directors and have the opportunity to provide suggestions for programs/activities for 2020. We hope to see you there!
We are looking for volunteers for upcoming community events. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Margaret Blair at mblaircochrane@gmail.com.
Participation builds your community!
Kathy Estey
President, Gleneagles Community Association