Annual fees of $125.00 are based on a calendar year with $119.05 going to GECA and the remaining $5.95 to GST. Letters are usually mailed in late February and fees are due by the end of April. Although we prefer e-transfers, residents can also pay by PayPal or by cheque.

As per the GECA Bylaws, the annual fee must be the same for all homeowners. However, in recognition that most of GECA’s landscaping initiatives occur in GlenEagles East and West, GECA currently reimburses each condominium corporation 60% of the fees collected from their residents.

The GECA annual fee is registered as an encumbrance on your property at the time of purchase and can be used legally to enforce collection. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen often as most residents routinely and happily pay this fee, realizing the value of their investment, and recognizing that the cost has not gone up in more than two decades. 100% of fees were collected in 2022 and we are following up on a handful of accounts for this year.

All legal and court costs incurred in securing default fees will be charged to the homeowner.