About the GlenEagles Community Association

Let us introduce ourselves


When GlenEagles was developed, the plan called for an above average amount of green space. The Town of Cochrane (TOC) approved the plan under the condition that the green space would be the community’s responsibility to maintain and the GlenEagles Community Association (GECA) was created primarily to ensure that the landscaping obligations were met. In addition to managing the landscaping requirements for the community, GECA:

  • governs GECA’s Bylaws and the Architectural Guidelines
  • represents residents on issues deemed to affect the community
  • responds to residents’ questions and concerns
  • communicates information via emails, newsletter, and the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

GECA is a not-for-profit, volunteer-driven resident association with its own set of Bylaws and only one paid position (bookkeeper). Our Bylaws allow for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 Board Members. Board Members are voted in annually at the GlenEagles Community Association AGM. Board meetings are held every three to four months and an AGM is held annually, usually near the end of May.

All 9 Director positions on the Board are currently filled, with 4 representatives from the condominiums and 5 members from GlenEagles East and West. However, turnover does occur and anyone wishing to join the Board should contact the President at president@geca.ca to discuss.